2022 Daily Events All Events Daily Calendar Wednesday, 07 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 09:00 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 09:00 Phytoplankton: Secrets of the Ocean Food Web Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 09:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 09:00 Virtual Laboratories Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 09:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 09:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 09:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 Kitchen Chemistry Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 10:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 10:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 10:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 11:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 11:00 Environmental Chemistry Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 11:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 11:00 Creatively Tackling STEM illiteracy Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 12:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 12:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 12:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 12:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 12:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 12:00 Make Your Own Slime Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 12:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 13:00 LEGO Robotics Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 13:00 Nautical Myths and Legends of the Cape of Storms and Pirates. Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 13:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 13:00 Introducing and Promoting Space Exploration as Part of STEM in Schools Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 14:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 14:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 14:00 Phytoplankton: Secrets of the Ocean Food Web Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 14:00 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 15:00 Amazwi Museum Indigenous Garden Trail Science Shows AMAZWI MAIN FOYER 15:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 15:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 15:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 15:00 How to Preserve Plants and Animals Workshops SAIAB 15:30 Blow-Up Science Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 Be a Forensic Scientist Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM Thursday, 08 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 LEGO Robotics Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 09:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 09:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 09:00 Phytoplankton: Secrets of the Ocean Food Web Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 09:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 09:30 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 10:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 10:00 Blow-Up Science Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 10:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 Putting Science into Fiction Lectures AMAZWI AUDITORIUM 11:00 South Africa & USA: Partners in Space Communication Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 11:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 11:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 11:00 Make Your Own Slime Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 12:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 12:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 12:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 12:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 12:00 How to Preserve Plants and Animals Workshops SAIAB 12:00 HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 13:00 Collecting and curating marine mammal specimens for the future Lectures AMAZWI AUDITORIUM 13:00 Nautical Myths and Legends of the Cape of Storms and Pirates. Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 13:00 Phytoplankton: Secrets of the Ocean Food Web Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 13:00 Virtual Laboratories Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 13:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 13:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 13:00 The Journey Towards Operational Space Weather Services in Africa Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 14:00 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 14:00 Kitchen Chemistry Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 14:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 15:00 Research and Innovation for Expo science Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 15:00 Amazwi Museum Indigenous Garden Trail Science Shows AMAZWI MAIN FOYER 15:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 15:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 15:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 16:00 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 16:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 16:00 Be a Forensic Scientist Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM Friday, 09 September 09:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 09:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 09:00 Virtual Laboratories Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 09:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 09:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 09:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 09:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 12:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 13:00 LEGO Robotics Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 13:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 13:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 13:00 Open Mic: Poems that are Inspired or Influenced by Science Lectures AMAZWI AUDITORIUM 13:00 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 13:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 13:00 Plant-Based Biofuels Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 13:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 13:00 How to Preserve Plants and Animals Workshops SAIAB 13:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 14:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 14:00 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 14:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 14:30 Make Your Own Slime Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 14:30 HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 15:00 Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 15:00 Amazwi Museum Indigenous Garden Trail Science Shows AMAZWI MAIN FOYER 15:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 15:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 15:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 16:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 16:00 Phytoplankton: Secrets of the Ocean Food Web Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 16:30 Blow-Up Science Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 16:30 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER Saturday, 10 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 09:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 09:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 09:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 09:00 Creative Writing Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 10:00 Blow-Up Science Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 10:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 10:00 Make Your Own Slime Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 10:00 HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 Research and Innovation for Expo science Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 11:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 11:00 Maths and Art Hand in Hand Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 11:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 12:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 12:00 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 12:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 12:00 Kitchen Chemistry Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 12:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 12:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 12:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 13:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 13:00 Unplugged Coding Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 14:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 14:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 14:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 14:00 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 14:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 14:00 Be a Forensic Scientist Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 14:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 14:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 15:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 15:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 15:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 Blow-Up Science Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 16:00 Maths and Art Hand in Hand Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND Sunday, 11 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 09:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 09:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 09:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 Kitchen Chemistry Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 10:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 10:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 10:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 Soap box derby Workshops Monument Front Entrance 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 11:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 11:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 12:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 12:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 12:00 Make Your Own Slime Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 13:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 13:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 13:00 Depressed Children and Families Rescued by Agri-COVID gardens. Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 14:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 14:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 14:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 14:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 14:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 14:00 Creatively Tackling STEM illiteracy Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 15:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 15:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 15:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 15:30 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 16:00 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM Monday, 12 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 09:00 What does a Malacologist do? Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 09:00 Creative Writing Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 09:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 09:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 09:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 10:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 11:00 Become a Petroleum Geoscientist Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 11:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 12:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 12:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 12:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 12:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 12:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 12:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 12:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 13:00 Nautical Myths and Legends of the Cape of Storms and Pirates. Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 13:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 13:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 13:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 14:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 14:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 14:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 14:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 14:30 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 15:00 I can see Clearly now Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 15:00 Amazwi Museum Indigenous Garden Trail Science Shows AMAZWI MAIN FOYER 15:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 15:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 15:00 Laboratory 4.0 Workshops COUNCIL CHAMBER 15:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in Modern Science Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 16:00 Open Mic: Poems that are Inspired or Influenced by Science Lectures AMAZWI AUDITORIUM Tuesday, 13 September 08:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 09:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 09:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 09:00 The Science of Telescopes Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 09:00 Spinning In Space Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 09:00 Life In Space Workshops B2 ARENA 09:00 Hail Queen Modjadji! Workshops REHEARSAL ROOM 09:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 09:00 Can Do 4IR Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 10:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 10:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 10:00 Does it Matter? Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 10:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 10:00 Science is in the Air Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 10:00 Boom Covid with Science Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 11:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 11:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 11:00 Earth Observation – Using Satellites to Enrich Life on Earth Workshops B2 ARENA 11:00 Reach Robotics Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 11:00 The ZACUBE-2 Nanosatillite Lectures OLIVE SCHREINER 12:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 12:00 PIRATES OF THE KOWIEBEAN Science Shows FORT SELWYN 12:00 Geodesy and the SKA Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 12:00 Floods, Droughts and Climate Change Workshops Grahamstown Gallery 12:00 Gardening – Being Climate Smart Workshops ATHERSTONE GALLERY 12:00 J&J Can Do Robotics Workshops VISITORS CENTER 2 13:00 Nautical Myths and Legends of the Cape of Storms and Pirates. Workshops AMAZWI ACTIVITY ROOM 13:00 The Concept of Gravity in Our Solar System Workshops B2 ARENA 13:00 Mathematical Mayhem Science Shows OLIVE SCHREINER 13:00 Chemistry & the Periodic Table Workshops VISITORS CENTER 1 14:00 Basic Science Equips Us to Solve Global Sciences Lectures COUNCIL CHAMBER 14:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 14:00 The Basics of Evolution Workshops The New Gallery 14:00 The World Of Microorganisms Workshops MONUMENT RESTAURANT 14:00 Fundamentals of Coding Workshops MONUMENT GALLERY 14:00 Unplugged Coding Workshops GALLERY IN THE ROUND 14:30 The Scifest Africa Laser show Science Shows GUY BUTLER AUDITORIUM 15:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE 16:00 The World-Famous Fossil Treasures from Waterloo Farm Science Shows OLD PRIEST HOUSE