The presentation will talk about how the youth need to acquire new and modern skills to survive in a world that is still evolving. These skills need to support innovation and we explain how Expo stimulates and develops these through inquiry and research. We also touch on developing the essential 21 st century skills to prepare our learners to survive in this world.
Creativity is not sufficiently emphasised at school – you are either an art student (low status) or science student. The key to innovation is creativity that has to be inculcated at a young age, a key inflection point in the learning curve of a student. The concept of STEAM is discussed in the context of innovation and creativity.
The presentation goes further to encourage the youth into STEM related studies and careers, and also addresses the role of the teachers/mentors in this learning process. “It takes a village to raise a child” and we expand on how this old saying is relevant to our current learners as we prepare them to make South Africa, globally competitive.